Should I write it or not? I keep asking myself because the feeling of this MV is kinda good and a bit complicated to be reviewed. Besides, I believe many people gonna review this MV (for instance, Simon and Martina of Eat Your Kimchi). So, I tell you guys (whoever you are who reading this review), this review of mine is based on my point of view. So, what I write here is just based on knowledge and experiences I have gotten all this time. And once more, there's no such thing like false or wrong in the named of interpretation. As long as it's relevant and can be accepted well, then it's OK. However, I write this one is for BEAST and of course, us, BEAUTY. lols.
OK, every BEAUTYs who still reading this review, are you curious or not satisfied enough with your own interpretation of this MV? Well, probably this review gonna help you a lit bit to understand what actually the boys want to unveil. And guys, remember this, I am going to review it using symbolism approach. You know what I mean? something like the words, colors, and other stuffs being symbolized and have deeper meanings. Besides, I'm going to reveal some words that have relation with NYC, and this goes the same with my previous review of theme MV "MIDNIGHT" (BEAST 'MIDNIGHT' MV REVIEW: NYC IS NOT JUST A PLACE). The difference is I am also gonna review the lyric along with the scenes in this MV. Unexpectedly this song is sure having deep meaning for every BEAUTYs.
Oh, well, how to begin this review? (kinda awkward I'm thinking when fasting lols *slap slap*). Please watch the MV first, here:
cr: b2st official @ youtube
The MV begins with the portrait of rooftop of buildings in sunset feeling like or twilight, yes? And then the next scene the camera moving to the yellow traffic light plank (remember my last review? actually it has connection? wow, CUBE is sure amazing!) which the stop hand appears while in the theme MV it doesn't appear explicitly. Well, first, let's look at this below:
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Well, look I have some stuff put in yellow squares. They are: the 'stop' hand sign, no parking, ASVP, and if you can see the words of quel BEAST. Besides, look, there's still the 12ozProphet stuck on the traffic light box. lols. Yes, the intro of this MV is very detail. I'm going to interpret this scene first. The 'stop' hand sign of course has the meaning of 'do not walk' for everyone, right? And 'no parking 8AM-6PM' plank, what do you think about this one? We can't stop there right? We should walk and follow the red arrow which followed by the words quel BEAST. We can walk follow them at 6PM. It means the time of twilight or going to night. Well, after all, this song entitled "IT'S A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT".
Do you know what is quel, guys? At the first time, I realized about this word, I tried to open my English dictionary, but failed, none to be found. In English, we have word quell, not quel. The difference is in the double L and single L. Then, I decided to browse what actually quel is. Oh hella damn, this is so true, they can use any other languages in their songs or MVs. Thus, I found that quel here is French. Any of you from French? Is it true or not? Kekeke. Well, after finding some clues, if I am not mistaken, quel here can be seen as 'masculine' (refers to male in sentence? something like that). Of course it's for the boys. Quel is singular and the plural one is quels. Why do they use the quel instead of quels? The answer has been right in front of us, yeah, because the boys are one, BEAST.
Next is the 'ASVP' sticker. What is that? Guys, did you pay attention with this sticker? ASVP is street artist of NYC consist of two person (solifestyle-loves-asvp-feature) that they had been through many things, traveling to the world, and making effort goes into their arts. They mixed Eastern and Western culture in their arts (something like graffiti). Besides, they also have purpose by doing their arts that wanting to make things that were free of any outside influence. They want to be free and enjoy themselves. The great words to be said are they are still developing their voice to be perfectly honest. Don't you think our boys do the same all this time? Although they are famous enough, but still they are going to try something new and develop their voice until reach the most honest voices of them, the great one from them.
This scene can be identified as description of the boys or BEAST, well, like in a movie which always needs description in the beginning of story. It can be said that this scene tries to say: "stop everyone (BEAUTY), the masculine BEAST will show you their voices (result of their arts sense) at night (6 PM and more), just follow them."
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The next scene is the camera shot the 'one way' and 'no parking' plank. These planks are very common in NYC. This plank is one of the most used traffic sign in NYC. The message of this sign is actually, don't even think of making right turn (there's no turn). And another popular sign is 'no parking' means 'don't even think to park here." (nyframeofmind) Any of you from NYC, is it true or not? kekeke. Then this scene explains the condition when you follow the boys' way, you have no turn and can't stop (parking). Go all the way with the boys.
Before our perfect Joker appears, there's scene that the camera shoot words written in wall of building which shined by the sunset yellowish color.
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These words have significant meaning. Then, to make sense, this scene has been set properly and Junhyung not just randomly walking there. This is the best scene ever that I understand after watching it twice. There are three nouns: 'stock sizes', 'job lots' and 'new boxes'. What do you think these words mean? Do you have any idea what the relation of these boxes thingy with the boys? Job lot boxes are boxes that people buy and sell on the seconds market. Typically, the boxes are new and have printing from industry on them ( Well, then, it can be said as recycled boxes. Remember, once our boys were called as recycled group? Yes, this scene tell about this. But these words can be interpreted in another way too. For me, it has more meaning like 'BEAST is an old group (job lots) with the different charms of each members (stock sizes), but they are trying to develop to refresh their image (new boxes)'. Oh, well, we can choose the more positive way to see the boys, right? After all, in this album they sure try to change into new image *standing ovation*.
After that, there's a scene where the traffic light turns green appears and other stuffs beside the yellow traffic light are in black color. This probably asks us to pay more attention to the traffic light which means: 'be careful the joy (the yellow traffic light itself, remember my prev review?) goes/begins/starts (the green light)'.
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Then, the intro ends, and Gikwang appears to sing the first verse. Then, this is the joy begins!
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Guys, do you have any idea seeing these scene caps? There are some stuffs captured: 'community 54', 'snoe man', 'pink boombox', 'no parking' (again), and 'the pick up car with blue and orange (or yellow) color'. Community 54 ( is a neighborhood lifestyle boutique inspired by creative nostalgia. It's a place where culture mavens and social connectors interact with local artist and designers. Also, the reminiscent of the spirit of times when artists were bound by a creative synergy, all in one space. It's a connecting point for thinkers to collaborate and put out new ideas. Snoe Man is part of Community 54 ( man) which is kind of graffiti community and they have a private venue for their artistry that bring the various characters. For me, this is good enough as another reason why they shoot the MV in NYC, why? Because based on the description above, we know that they choose the right place to explain who they are. BEAST, at this state, can be considered as artist that bound by creative synergy and interact with people, local artist, and designer (all elements of industry). And also as thinkers, they want to collaborate with other and put out new ideas, and of course in the certain venue. The Snoe Man is as the representation of BEAST has the same characterization that is group of people and have private venue for their artistry (music for BEAST and graffiti for Snoe Man) that bring the various characters (BEAST' members characters). Then the 'pink boombox' I will take the symbolization of pink. Pink can represent love (from BEAST to BEAUTY perhaps, lols). Why I decided to analyze this pink color? Because this 'pink boombox' is everywhere in the MV, if you can see. And the 'pick up car with blue and orange color' has several meanings. Car is as symbol of power/mobility/movement forward (, blue is for loyalty (and sky), and orange for demanding of attention ( Thus in a sentence, it refers to: 'BEAST has the power to demand attention and loyalty'. Wow, this cool, eh?
On the other hand, Gikwang wears t-shirt with 'just say' print words on it. A song is actually like sentences with message being delivered to others, right? It has the same meaning with 'to say something to other people but put the words in the lyric and music, and it is delivered by singing'. Oh well, for me, this part is to show to the people that BEAST tries to deliver something (message). And there will be no stop, look at the 'no parking 24 hours' sign that found in the scene where Gikwang dance confidently.
The next scene is when Yoseob stands beside the yellow traffic light which once again the 'hand sign' appear and there are 'pink boombox' and 'something in yellow and white'. These colors can be identified as 'love (pink), joy (yellow), and youth (white)' ( Besides, boombox can be viewed as music. After that the scene where the black people appears with his skateboard, all in black, except the yellow sidewalk, line, the orange plus green color and the 'out' words in the wall beside the skateboarding boy. Black is meant as power and the yellow thingy can be said as joy. If it put together with the orange-green-out, it will be: 'the power of BEAST will create some joys when they out to demand attention from the environment (world) along with their love, music, and youth although just in limited period (the yellow line)'. How I say this refers to BEAST? Because, look, the boy wears 'B' T-shirt. lols. Doesn't he? B stands to BEAST of course.
The next part is Dujun's (MY HUBBY YEAAA~), the awesome rapping part haha *oh mian, I feel so freaking happy right now*. For his scene, the first thing to be shown is the 'silver chain' of car steering. Silver is the symbolization of maturity while the black car itself is the representation of the double power itself (black+car) that heading to future (the bike, remember my prev review) and can't be stopped (no parking sign in garage). And the lyrics of Dujun's rap part are:
Left and right, you shake me up on this disco night
From top to bottom, from front and back, you flip my heart inside out
Then the 'loyalty' sign appears right after the lyric 'you flip my heart inside out' and continued by the next lyric which demand loyalty:
You are like cotton candy, I never get sick of you
Before this night is all over, let’s love all night
The next scene is when Yoseob stands beside the yellow traffic light which once again the 'hand sign' appear and there are 'pink boombox' and 'something in yellow and white'. These colors can be identified as 'love (pink), joy (yellow), and youth (white)' ( Besides, boombox can be viewed as music. After that the scene where the black people appears with his skateboard, all in black, except the yellow sidewalk, line, the orange plus green color and the 'out' words in the wall beside the skateboarding boy. Black is meant as power and the yellow thingy can be said as joy. If it put together with the orange-green-out, it will be: 'the power of BEAST will create some joys when they out to demand attention from the environment (world) along with their love, music, and youth although just in limited period (the yellow line)'. How I say this refers to BEAST? Because, look, the boy wears 'B' T-shirt. lols. Doesn't he? B stands to BEAST of course.
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Left and right, you shake me up on this disco night
From top to bottom, from front and back, you flip my heart inside out
Then the 'loyalty' sign appears right after the lyric 'you flip my heart inside out' and continued by the next lyric which demand loyalty:
You are like cotton candy, I never get sick of you
Before this night is all over, let’s love all night
This lyric is he can't get sick of 'you' and he asks to 'let's love all night' means he wants to be loyal to the 'you' and demand loyalty as well from this 'you'. Just say it simple, the 'you' here is BEAUTY. And the 'beautiful night' here actually is the period when we can have joy together as one, BEAUTY and BEAST, since their debut days until now and then.
The next scene is when Dujun walks like a boss and gives a salute expression with his hand. Don't you think it's a way to show 'thank you' to us? Besides, there is the 'stop all way' plank in front Dujun and he continues walking without paying attention because he wants to show the 'love all night'.
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The most complicated scene is Dongwoonie's. Until I write this, I am still thinking about what actually these scenes want. lol. But I had figured out something from lyric and these scene. Here below the lyric:
I still don’t really know love – the moment I first saw you (Whenever I stood in front of you)
I felt a strong wave washing over me
Drenching my heart to the deepest corners oh oh oh oh Girl
I felt a strong wave washing over me
Drenching my heart to the deepest corners oh oh oh oh Girl
In my eyes everything on Dongwoon's body show that he is the royal boy, not rich boy, but one-level-above-us-boy. lol. Look at his shoes (silver stud and yellowish), his blond hair, his necklace, and his red suit. Oh well, damn, he even walks out from a great house (I dunno where, do you happen to know guys?). My first impression is 'oh wow this boy is the God, the Highest (I can't say Almighty lol)' then I tried to understand the lyric. Well, what I got after reading it is about Dongwoon, the royal boy who never feel such thing called love but he knows the sincere feeling (lyric: I felt a strong wave washing over me). And red which the color of his suit can be meant as strong emotion. Well, the strong emotion that he gets from BEAUTY, maybe. ^^ And the dancing-blue-car is showing the power of loyalty (symbolization of blue) between BEAST and BEAUTY.
After that the scenes of Hyunseung where he wears his pink blazer >____< lol. He shows us that he is in love (pink) now. And he sings in front of the yellow building and there's the 'bike path' behind him. It reminds us about: 'love and joy that heading to future (symbolization of bike)'.
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The end of his scene is the 'BEAST' graffiti being shown made on the wall by the foreigner. Graffiti ( has 'going all city' slang which means putting your graffiti on trains in every borough. Graffiti writer usually put their name up on walls using marker, or whatever that can mark the surface ( Graffiti is about your name and 'fame'. It means that BEAST has settled enough to be a great 'star'. It's rather like making mark to their authority place and makes the world know the existence of future 'real legend'.
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I’m yours – only you can make my heart race – I’m outta control
I’m yours, nobody, nobody can take your place
You drive me crazy
And just there, many people, call it fans (BEAUTY and B2STLY) outta control together with BEAST.This MV is not showing about clubbing or whatsoever, but about concert. The stars are in stage and the fans cheer on the floor. Oh well, this is what I get from these scenes. Then, you can guess now that from the lyric of 'It's a star twinkling, beautiful night' (first line of first verse), the word 'star' refers to BEAST. And the beautiful night is the beautiful time when BEAST always in our side.
Then, Junhyung's rap part is giving emphasis to my previous interpretation. Here the lyric:
Something good Nothing better
Just like a limitless credit card
I strengthlessly fall for you, but this feeling isn’t so bad girl
With one cue, I’ll go inside you, without you knowing
You will keep thinking of me, let’s meet in our dreams, I’m waiting for you
Junhyung close his eyes when he raps to 'nothing better' means he wants to go blind to not recognize anything better than us (BEAUTY). BEAST for some reasons has fallen for us, right? They love us like we love them. We can't get rid of each other. It's endless just like a limitless credit card. That's a fact. When Junhyung raps on the 'I'm waiting for you', he shows his hand with rainbow-lips drawn there. Lips according to its symbolization meaning can be seen as sensuality. It's not something porn, lol, but more like the lyric telling us of the boys gonna go inside us. lol.
The later scenes show us about BEAST' power by seating on their cars which there is 'LOYALTY' on it. And the scenes where they emphasize that they have changed now, say good bye to the old BEAST and say hello to the new image of BEAST, the firework ( Firework according to Chinese symbolization is as representation of sending out the old one and welcoming the ushering of new one. And the individual cuts itself which the fireworks appear behind them also has this meaning. The pink, black, and red suit and the white zebra have meaning like the color symbolization I have explained before: 'love, power, emotion, and youth'.
Don't you guys feel curious why just in a second, the Empire State Building is being shot? According to Encarta (2009), Empire State Building is the tallest building in the world for 40 years. So the logic is this is the tallest building created by human in the world. Then, it's not a false thing for BEAST hoping to be star as high as the empire state. Or it can be viewed as highest as they want. Besides, the foreigner fans are as their proof that they are accepted well in the world. Once more, this MV and song actually tells about 'the beautiful night of BEAUTY and (the) BEAST'. In the last part of this MV, it looks clearly how they response to people around the stage, like Hyunseung hold their hands, etc. It's like scene taken from concert. Then it means BEAST wants us always cheer on them.
Well, so this is all what I got from this MV. This MV and the song itself are very good. Indeed. Once again, they are not copying other concepts. Look at how detail they put every scene how could people say they are just copycat other. Nope. It's sure BEAST went to NYC with a very-prepared-concept.
After all, you get my point? This MV telling us that BEAST will always loyal to BEAUTY and also we gonna do the same. We should hold their hands and walk together as one in this beautiful night to see the star twinkling beautifully. Let's always support them.
I’m yours, nobody, nobody can take your place
You drive me crazy
And just there, many people, call it fans (BEAUTY and B2STLY) outta control together with BEAST.This MV is not showing about clubbing or whatsoever, but about concert. The stars are in stage and the fans cheer on the floor. Oh well, this is what I get from these scenes. Then, you can guess now that from the lyric of 'It's a star twinkling, beautiful night' (first line of first verse), the word 'star' refers to BEAST. And the beautiful night is the beautiful time when BEAST always in our side.
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Then, Junhyung's rap part is giving emphasis to my previous interpretation. Here the lyric:
Something good Nothing better
Just like a limitless credit card
I strengthlessly fall for you, but this feeling isn’t so bad girl
With one cue, I’ll go inside you, without you knowing
You will keep thinking of me, let’s meet in our dreams, I’m waiting for you
Junhyung close his eyes when he raps to 'nothing better' means he wants to go blind to not recognize anything better than us (BEAUTY). BEAST for some reasons has fallen for us, right? They love us like we love them. We can't get rid of each other. It's endless just like a limitless credit card. That's a fact. When Junhyung raps on the 'I'm waiting for you', he shows his hand with rainbow-lips drawn there. Lips according to its symbolization meaning can be seen as sensuality. It's not something porn, lol, but more like the lyric telling us of the boys gonna go inside us. lol.
The later scenes show us about BEAST' power by seating on their cars which there is 'LOYALTY' on it. And the scenes where they emphasize that they have changed now, say good bye to the old BEAST and say hello to the new image of BEAST, the firework ( Firework according to Chinese symbolization is as representation of sending out the old one and welcoming the ushering of new one. And the individual cuts itself which the fireworks appear behind them also has this meaning. The pink, black, and red suit and the white zebra have meaning like the color symbolization I have explained before: 'love, power, emotion, and youth'.
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Don't you guys feel curious why just in a second, the Empire State Building is being shot? According to Encarta (2009), Empire State Building is the tallest building in the world for 40 years. So the logic is this is the tallest building created by human in the world. Then, it's not a false thing for BEAST hoping to be star as high as the empire state. Or it can be viewed as highest as they want. Besides, the foreigner fans are as their proof that they are accepted well in the world. Once more, this MV and song actually tells about 'the beautiful night of BEAUTY and (the) BEAST'. In the last part of this MV, it looks clearly how they response to people around the stage, like Hyunseung hold their hands, etc. It's like scene taken from concert. Then it means BEAST wants us always cheer on them.
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Well, so this is all what I got from this MV. This MV and the song itself are very good. Indeed. Once again, they are not copying other concepts. Look at how detail they put every scene how could people say they are just copycat other. Nope. It's sure BEAST went to NYC with a very-prepared-concept.
After all, you get my point? This MV telling us that BEAST will always loyal to BEAUTY and also we gonna do the same. We should hold their hands and walk together as one in this beautiful night to see the star twinkling beautifully. Let's always support them.
p.s: how many yellow thingy you found in this MV? kekeke.
you may give comment guys, if you find some disagreements. thank you!
of which I read some reviews. to this date, no one wear Symbolism approach. honestly you cool~ although some were less satisfied in some parts. kkkk ~
ReplyDeletebut over all thx very much u give me the other light xD
thank you for reading. yess, I was lit bit lost when working on it. this review sure lacking in many parts...
Deletewow...ur review sooooo completed..i can't think like that at all...i just luv to listen to b2st song...especially their ballad song..and for Midnight Sun, i'm in luv with "When I Miss U"..keke..and i'm yoonique too..o^_^o
ReplyDeleteoh hi, another yoonique... haha... ^^ thank you...
Deleteoh yess, I live all the songs, but I love 'it's not me' most...