Monday, October 8, 2012


She slapped me.
“Why…,” I sighed. “You still love me. You can’t lie to me.” I said.
“I do not love you.” She said. “I’m not lying right now.” She tried to open the door. “Open it!” she looked at my face with a scary facial expression.
“I won’t.” I answered. “Stay here.”
“Dujun-ahh, listen me, we are strangers to each other.” She said. “If we are trying to continue this relationship, we gonna hurt each other.” She sobbed, “Don’t you understand it?”
“I do not understand.” I said.
“No. It’s not like you do not understand it. But, you do not want to understand it, Dujun-ahh.” She took a breath for a while, “It’s already a year. You should have forgotten me.”
“But, look, you never forget me.” I said. The kiss between us just now was the proof. “I can feel your… kiss.” I continued.
“But, I have…,” she cut my words, “forgotten you.”
“You haven’t.” I believed Miinah still loved me, all this time.
“I have.” She took my right hand, “Dujun-ahh, forget me, please.” She looked at me, “now, open the door.”
“Miinah-ahh…” I called her name, I missed her so much, and how could she do this to me? “Let me sit here, beside you, for awhile.” I continued.
“Dujun-ahh…” she nodded, “araseo.” Then she avoided my gaze.
I couldn’t think any other than stare at her. I missed her. Although she slapped me while saying she did not love me, her kiss was still the same.
I could feel it.
She loved me.
I saw her walked in the middle of darkness. It was already past midnight. I tried to stay on my seat. But, my mind couldn’t feel at ease. Without realizing it, I had opened the door, and walked fast to her side. She looked at me, startled.
“Do not complain.” I said.
“I can go home, alone.” She said, “The subway is right in the front.”
“Don’t you think it is better to go home with me?” I asked, insisting to drive her home.
“I won’t.” she said, “back to your car.”
“I will company you.” I said. “I can let the car park there.” I didn’t care at all; I wouldn’t let my very precious girl in danger. This was midnight; there would be many bad people out there.
“Dujun-ahh!” she looked frustrated, “we are not a couple anymore.”
“Who cares..?” I walked beside her. “You looked thin.”
“Shut up.” She said, “or I will slap you again.”
“I don’t care.” I said, “I don’t care if you are going to slap me hundreds more.” I winked.
“Iyuuuh.” She walked faster, left me behind, “do not follow me.”
“Hyaaa, babo-ya, I can walk faster than you.” I walked faster, and already in her side again.
“Dujun-ahh, stop it.” She said.
I touched her hands. “Listen me.” I said.
“Let me go!” she screamed.
“Miinah-ahh, do you want to feel the heart sick for ten years or twenty years or your entire life?” I asked, being so freaking frustrated.
“Why? Because of what?” she asked. She tried so hard to let her hands go.
“Because you still love me.” I said. I didn’t know what happen to me. I just wanted her –wanted this girl so badly.
“I do not.” She said, “Stop talking about this stuff.”
“Shut up, go catch the train with me, or do not go with me, back to your car.” Miinah walked away. She looked so pissed off.
“I will shut my mouth.” I said.
Silently I walked behind her.
Miinah sat in the train. She didn’t talk at all, listening to her i-pod using headset. I sat beside her. Because it was a late train, there were no many people here. I kept watching her. She looked sleepy. Miinah didn’t even see me. She acted as if I was not here. I didn’t really care.
“Pluk.” Miinah’s headset fell from her left ear. I saw her. She had been falling asleep. I took it, plug it on my ear, I got shocked, this was my voice…
At that time… I made it… for her….
I looked at her peaceful face; I kissed her forehead, and put her head on my shoulder. I held her hand.
Babo-yaa, you still loved me.

[to be continued]

[FLASH FICTION] A-Not-Usual Party

Musik berdentum. Luar biasa keras. Aku duduk tenang, menempel di tembok, memandang orang menikmati hidangan pesta malam ini. Mereka menikmati seakan makanan dan minuman itu adalah hal terenak di seluruh dunia. Aku hanya mendesah.

"Bung, kenapa duduk saja? Tak mau makan bersama kami?" seorang lelaki mendekatiku. Aku hanya tersenyum dan menggeleng.

"Terimakasih." jawabku.

Pria itu berlalu.


"Bagaimana pestanya?" tanya istriku.

"Ramai. Jelaslah, dia kan dokter terkenal." jawabku.

"Bagaimana darahnya segar?" tanya istriku lagi.

"Tentu saja." seruku, "dan manis sekali, sayang. Ini aku sisakan untukmu." Aku  mengeluarkan kantong plastik berisi cairan kental berwarna merah.

"Ah terimakasih sayang." serunya, "sana sikat gigi dulu." 

Aku segera ke kamar mandi. Menyikat gigi bertaringku. 

"Wow, vampir seperti kita memang perlu sekali-kali pesta darah dokter sesat seperti dia." istriku menghampiriku sambil meneguk darah kental dokter yang telah merubah kami menjadi vampir itu.


tema: 'pesta'

[FLASH FICTION] Ulang Tahun Jun

Dia terus merajuk, meminta kado ulang tahun. Ya, ini adalah hari ulang tahunnya. Jun sudah dua puluh tahun, tapi ulang tahun baginya adalah momen yang wajib dirayakan. 

"Iya, Jun, nanti." Kata papanya yang sibuk mengurus dokumen kantor.

"Sekarang, pa. Besok Jun harus balik ke asrama." Katanya dengan cemberut.

"Bentar." Sahut papanya.

"Papa, ini ulang tahunku." Jun mendesah, "papa ngga sayang Jun." dengan marah, Jun keluar dari kantor papanya, terdengar bunyi 'braak' dari pintu yang ia tutup.



"Ya halo, dengan Jun." jawab Jun yang masih bersungut-sungut di asramanya. "Apa?" Cowok berpipi chubby itu nampak terkejut.

Ia terdiam. Handphone-nya jatuh begitu saja ke lantai. 

Tanpa sadar, airmatanya berlinang.

"Papa, maaf." bisiknya.

"Juuuuuun, Juuuuun, ini dari papamu, dia baru saja dari sini!" teman sekamarnya masuk dengan tergesa-gesa, memberikan sebuah kotak berpita. "Ini hadiah buat kamu ya?" teman Jun membuka isi kotak itu, "Wow, ini kunci mobil, Jun."

"Papaaaa.... Dio, papaku baru saja kecelakaan. Dia sudah dipanggil Tuhan."

Terdengar isak tangis penyesalan Jun. 


tema: 'ulang tahun'