Sunday, October 19, 2014


Hi, guys, it’s been a while (right?) I wrote random interpretations of music videos. Anyways, my favorite Hip-Hop group, Epik High has a comeback around this time. Yeay.

Well, they will have released the album ‘SHOEBOX’ on Oct 21/22, right? And last night they had given us a warming up MV, Born Hater, featuring Beenzino, Verbal Jint, Mino, B.I., and Bobby (Well, I love B.I. and Bobby o ma gad you don’t have any idea). The overall video is unique with the setting of public toilets. Call it public because Beenzino even says that ‘Blo Hyung is on the next room right now’. Besides, with the proof of Hanbin (B.I.) as the ‘cleaner’, the toilets aren’t private ones. So, from my first impression, oh uh, they are all doing ‘shit’ on the public toilets. Whatever they do, they leave ‘shit’ that should be cleaned by B.I. later, no matter whether it’s the money (Bobby) or the pizza (Mithra Jin). 

Now, let’s follow me to peel the deeper insights of this MV. Note that I won’t interpret any symbols of certain things or any kind of thing like seven deadly sins, etc. But, I will talk about the wholeness of the music video scenes suggest us. Just like I have been saying before that all the eight men are doing their ‘shits’ on the ‘public toilets’, I will start this talk from this point. So, please bear on your minds that they actually do the ‘shits’ in the ‘rooms’ where are actually ‘public’ possession. Well, if you can’t get what I mean, you do shit in toilet, don’t you? So do they. 

Are you wondering why the toilets? Why the toilets are full of their belongings, such as the shoebox, paintings, money, pizza, adult magazines, etc? I bet most of you are thinking about this. Or, do any of you even ask about why the video is just 1/3 of the whole size? Let me share my thoughts with y’all.
Firstly, toilet suggests a room, a very tiny one of course, where you can ‘shit’ freely up to your desire. However as the music video goes on, it reveals that it’s not a toilet, but toilets. In every toilet there is different kind of individual with their own ‘shit’. They do ‘shit’ on their own room. No one should care because that’s their right to shit as much as they want, as much as they need, as dirt as they can, as crazy as they imagine, true everyone? You can do everything in your own room, that’s a nature. That’s your room at the moment, so that’s up to you what you will do. Great idea, isn’t it?

Secondly, the belongings and abilities (money, magazines, etc) are their shits. Let’s take larger scale from the toilet metaphor, I can find that actually Epik High wants to speak about the industry they are in at the moment. It’s the industry where people are actually boxed by their own uniqueness and identities. So, there are various and diverse great people that can be good choices for the public to fulfill their thirst for enjoyment. If you dislike this kind of boxed person, you can choose the next box. It’s also explain why they decide to make the video just as large as 1/3 of the whole. As the other 2/3 are black. It can be meant that if you happen to bump or have an encounter (through TV mostly) with a certain someone (rapper, singer, idol, or just common people etc) and you dislike him; you still can look to the other places. No one force you to keep looking at him if you hate him so much. You can change it to the next room, or just simply stare at the black area. No one actually asks you to keep your interest on him, buddy, just change the channel. Do not like them rapping? Just don’t watch. Why? Because they are doing it in their own tiny room and not for your satisfaction, but their own satisfaction. So, don’t ridicule yourself by hating them. They are just part of the big world, you can find other persons that you can favorite and support, why bother to care then? 

As the whole, I can say, it’s not just about the music industry actually. But, we can see this kind of thing in our society. Yeah, haters are everywhere. They talk ill about us. They whisper bad things behind our back just like how they contaminate the air. They type harsh words on our site, on our SNS, etc. I actually believe some of them are really born haters. Damn, Epik High is so true.


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