cr: daily of beast |
I was like crying when reading Son Ilrak's post in his site (
son-ilraks-cyworld-update). As usual, Dongwoon's dad is the best to make me cry after reading any of his posts. Whatever kind of post, yesss! He is the best dad ever that always pays attention to his son's activities (and also other boys' dads do the same). I was officially crying when he talked about yesterday fan meeting. He talked about Beauty and Beast photo as living piece of history. Oh well, I am an international Beauty and can't ever attend something like those fan meets. But, I also can be considered as living piece of history while everyday cheering for the boys from so so so far away position. I can't be on the sun waiting for the boys, but I can be always by the boys' side to give support with many things to do. We can do that. All of us. Because we are Beauty.
Oh well, when I look at the photo of K-Beautys who flooded the fan meets, I felt so suffocated, the feeling wanted to fly there couldn't be held. LOL. One day. Yeah. One day. Son Ilrak wrote that based on this condition, Beautys understand and accept BEAST the way they are is powerful. For me, my personal opinion, I never accept the boys who the way they are but I accept their endless amount of effort towards challenges to show who they are. When the boys are not good enough, then I will say that they are not in their best state. But, when the boys brave enough to do some transformation I'm gonna understand and accept the way they are showing who they are. And for this comeback, thumbs up. Whatever the muse is, their music really reach me well, just like their previous albums.
Son Ilrak gave compliment to Dujun. This makes me cry a river how Son Ilrak described him was the best. 'There is this friend of mine who deserves compliment' he wrote. This friend of his refers to Dujun. He likes the way Dujun acted as leader. He tried to say that Dujun is a real-responsible-leader.
I wonder why I keep loving this boy, why I never get tired loving this boy. Thank you for Mr. Son Ilrak who has opened my eyes. Because none other than this boy can be loved, that's the answer, right in front of my nose. Dujun said this in the fanmeet to the other Beast members 'Don't be under the shade when Beautys are in the sun' makes me love him more. I can't described him more. These words of his have described himself well. What left inside my heart is love that getting bigger, bigger, and bigger. Thank you Son Ilrak. Thank you God.
Son Ilrak wrote: 'shouldn't all leaders in the world essentially be like him?' this is the best compliment ever. Now I have a confidence to love Dujun more. And probably I'm canceling my hiatus. LOL. ^^
"Transformation is necessary. We don't know what the future hold."
-Yoon Dujun, 24, BEAST Leader-