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Oh OK, I can't help but to write this. Extremely can't control it because my hands just start typing it. LOL. So, as you know, BEAST had already released the very short MV of 'Midnight' this noon at 2PM KST. Finally, yeah, BEAUTY? This can be called as theme MV of the mini album. In other words, this is the way BEAST introduce themselves to the industry that they are back.
First, here below the one minute and sixteen seconds MV: BEAST'S MIDNIGHT THEME MV - B2ST OFFICIAL (click the link it directly on BEAST' YouTube channel). Sorry something happened with my blog that I can't make the video appear here. T----T
Well, as I said before that this is a comeback introduction from these 6 boys to the music industry (K-pop and world wide), the MV also gives strong impression about this. And also, about 'why the boys went to NYC (US) to filming the MV?' and that thingy 'They are copying Big Bang!' the answer is completely NO. BIG NO, guys. They went there with certain purpose. Well, I'm going to reveal what I got from this very well thought and thorough MV.
In this MV, we have watched such dominant color, yellow, if your eyes can see. In the beginning of the MV when the piano sound begins the song as intro, the setting of place are buildings in a yellowish color feel-like because of the effect of the sun light. And then the 'ding ding ding' piano is like the sound of traffic light when the light turn 'red' for the car and 'green' for the pedestrian, you know what I mean, the signal that people can across the road using the zebra crossing (zebra cross). And at this time, the camera shot the traffic light which the symbol of hand appeared there, like this one:
means: 'don't walk' |
means: 'walk' |
I'm going to interpret this first. Oh yeah, this is getting interesting, right? Well, why I put the concern on the traffic light pole? Because of this yellow color (and some other colors) in this MV are like everywhere and sure dominant and also take the majority of the MV. And this is the reason why the boys chose to shoot it in NYC. Well, because this yellow color can be only seen in NYC (from many sources). And, there's no yellow traffic light plank in Korea. I realized this after watching PSY's 'Gangnam Style' MV (the scene where he across the road and the traffic light plank is black). Thus I can take that conclusion. I'm not wrong, right? So, BEAST is not trying to copy anyone's concept. It is because yellow has significance symbol meaning in this MV. Yellow in western is identified as the color of summer. Well, actually it's summer now, rite? Besides, yellow also can be seen as joy or delight, and even a sunshine symbolization. Well, after all, this mini album entitled 'MIDNIGHT SUN'. I'm sure right. On the other hand, for the meaning of the traffic light itself, yellow can be meant as 'slow down' or 'be careful'. Do you get my point? All of these scenes revealed before the boys walking scene appeared. This means: 'this summer (when the sun brightly shine lol, there will be joy or delight, so slow down (be careful) everyone, cause we (BEAST) are coming'.
Then after that scene where the boys walked on the road, the camera caught the traffic light again which turned 'green' means 'go' for the cars, motors, trucks, and taxis. Then a truck appeared walking by the intersection which carries these words on it: 'ACTION: carting the environmental'. Well, it sure has deep meaning. Green, on the other hand, has the meaning of nature, eternal life, and environment. Then this make sense, why out of blue the truck appeared there, lol. This scene is the way they want to say that: 'Here we are coming. Gonna take action and cart (carry) all the natural world or your surrounding in our vehicle (oh well, it can be said as their music, right?)'.
Oh well, the next part is the scene where the bicycle and the skateboard can be seen in the yellow line. Do you know what does yellow line mean? According to Encarta (2009), yellow line is street marking indicating parking restriction which the parking is allowed only in limited period or specific time. While bicycle itself has the meaning of 'toward future' (http://www.copenhagenize.com/2012/03/bicycle-symbolism-towards-future.html) and the way the bicycle moved from the left to the side it can be seen as heading to the future (read the link). Besides, the skateboard itself some said that it has the meaning of strong and cool because it is made from wood.
Thus, from all of this, I can say that: 'The boys gonna make action and influence us with their song which is heading to the future and strong, although it's on the limited period.' Then the boys captured once again walking on the street like a boss, while the yellow taxi (cab) across the street which carried: "OPENING ACT" and the silhouette of sunshine beautifully shot. Oh well, sun is the 'beginning of the day' plus the 'opening act', means the boys are ready heading to the future to conquer the environment (or the world). It also makes sense if they want to conquer the world then they went to US, they can't only stay in Korea anyway. Oh, and the yellow cab, still carried the meaning of 'be aware' lol. The taxi went around the NYC gave warning about the boys' comeback. lol.
After those scenes are the individual cuts of the boys. Well, this is a must to show off who the boss is now. LOL. The feeling is something like that? >www< and if we pay attention to the plank behind them, that means 'stop' and the arrow give the indication that 'you can't go there'. It means that part is dangerous or probably the obstacles that the boys had been trough all this time. We (BEAUTY) can't go there because we gonna (just) follow the joy part of the boys gonna bring for us in this limited period, the summer time! Besides that 'stop' can be meant as 'start' too, oh well, you 'stop' at that point, but you may 'start' at that point too. This a life is. So, I'm trying to say that our relationship with BEAST is eternal.
In conclusion, this MV is saying that: "BE CAREFUL (YELLOW), HERE (RED), WE ARE BACK (GREEN)!" and hope it explains that BEAST went to NYC with this certain purpose thus the MV can look extremely good, all scenes had been put in order, not just randomly put there.
Well, among all theme MV owned by BEAST, this one is the best. Put aside that Dujun's part is just a little. LOL. Jigeum Gaji SO BEAST!