I know that I've promised to make a writing out of the 'upcoming' stuffs that I had put on the blog around one-two months ago, but I have this urge to write this one. So, pardon me, guys. Well, I have believed that many of you have known that a Japanese drama, Nodame Cantabile (originally a manga) had been made the remake into Korean version one, entitled Naeil Cantabile, or internationally known as Tomorrow Cantabile. And, yeah, I just finished watching it this week despite it had ended the air broadcast last year on November.

Although it can be concluded into romantic drama, Naeil Cantabile can't be really grouped into one. It is because if you expect to see any cheesy and kiss scene, you won't find one. The romance is there, as the device for Naeil to get attached to Cha Yoo Jin, but this is not the romance every one imagine to be. The romance between these talented and genius musicians can't be put on other couple. In this drama, music is as the plot device to show how the characters have developed, how their romance life have come to the point they want to be together. There is a scene where Cha Yoo Jin and Naeil listen to a Rachmaninoff's song, and Yoo Jin says that he wants to have duet with Naeil on stage. At that time, Naeil answers that the duet performance will make them to be like a real couple and Cha Yoo Jin agrees to it. This is the metaphor of how their relationship is actually associated with their music. Naeil always believes when she can perform with Cha Yoo Jin on the same stage, it means that she can be the one for Cha Yoo Jin. No wonder, it has been the trigger for Naeil to be a pro pianist by entering competition. Slowly because of her desire to be on the same level as a couple for Cha Yoo Jin she grows herself to be a new person who overcomes her fear on stage and starts to play piano follows the partition. She has stopped her immature side since she realized that she is adult after all.
For Cha Yoo Jin, he has fear of flying the most because he has the trauma in his childhood which he flied with his mother but there was an accident in the plane. But, because of Naeil whom he unconsciously trusts most, he is helped. Naeil has used the hypnosis to help Cha Yoo Jin gain his confidence again so that he can fly and study abroad.
After following Cha Yoo Jin around and she thinks that their relationship does not develop on the love/romance level except their music abilities, Naeil decides to give up on him. But, in the end, Cha Yoo Jin is the one who can't give up on Naeil, either of her talent as a genius pianist and her as a Naeil herself. Thus, he decides to confess to Naeil and both of them ends up as a couple whose objective study abroad together and grow better while supporting each other.
Nothing like kiss scene happens in the drama, although there are some teases like almost kiss or Naeil who is persistence trying to steal some kisses from Yoo Jin. However nothing. There are still embraces and hugs and lovely scenes that can make the spectators fluttered but nothing more. It suggests that love can be showed not only from the skinship only, but also from how much caring we are and support our beloved one.
In this Korean version, there are slightly differences compared to the Japanese one. For instance, Kuroki who is in Japanese one played oboe and has crush on Nodame has substituted by a boy who plays cello, named Yoon Hoo from Juilliard and he also has crush on Nodame. Naeil's apartment is more spacious too. But, still, on the whole I enjoy this version too. It has the vibe of Korean drama that can naturalize the weird-all-came-from-Mars-Japanese-drama style (I hope you know what I mean if you are a fan of Nodame, remember 'gyabooo'? that's it, hahah).
If I were about to give this stars, I would like to give 3.5 out of 5. I don't say this is bad and I don't say this is fabulous as a remake. But, this drama has its own charm that you will find out if you have a will to watch it. Although for me, this drama is the best for the year-end drama that makes me feel happy every week waiting for the episode comes out (although I was busy and watching the last four episodes just last week lol) that offers you innocent love, pure friendship, beautiful classical musics, and ... handsome casts, kidding.
Anyways, for Nodame fans, I pleadingly hope you guys watch Naeil Cantabile if you miss our 4D heroine, but do not expect to see her in Naeil. Just enjoy it as it is, do not be so critical! Besides, there are so many things offered by this drama to think at the end of the day. Of course it is a plus mark, gyabooo~